
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Symposium Submissions (e.g., Department of Neurosciences and Psychiatry, Graduate Research Annual Forum)
  • Indicate if the abstract has been presented at a different symposium or published in a conference proceeding, unless the submitted abstract for the UToledo symposium is updated and different from a previously accepted symposium or conference abstract.
  • Submit the 300 word (maximum) abstract is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses), and upload it as a Microsoft Word file.
  • NO cost is assessed to authors for Symposium submissions.
  • To ensure a blind review, please do not include references to UToledo, Department of Medicine, researchers (faculty, learners), funding, etc.
  • Traditional Journal Submissions (e.g., Case Report, Research, Review, etc.)
  • The manuscript file is in a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses).
  • The manuscript file adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • If applicable, this Animal Study has been approved by the IACUC Committee or the equivalent committee at my location and the protocol and approval information is listed in the Methods section of my submission.
  • If applicable, this Human Research study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board or the Research Ethics Board (e.g., Human Ethics, Research Ethics) and the protocol and approval information is listed in the Methods section of my submission.
  • All in-text citations are enclosed in (). Your manuscript uses the Translation Journal Numbered Citation Style for the reference list. Where available, URLs for the cited references are provided.
  • Figures should be legible at a standard letter size and submitted as TIFF or PNG files.
  • The author(s) have obtained the appropriate permissions to use the images, figures, and tables in this submission.
  • We/I acknowledge that this submission has not been previously published or under review by another journal in order to be considered for publication in Translation (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). If this has been presented previously as a poster or presentation only, then it can be considered for publication in Translation Symposium Proceedings Issue.

Departments of Neuroscience and Psychiatry Research Symposium


Department of Neurosciences & Psychiatry (DONP)Research Symposium February 6, 2025

Abstract Submission Instructions

Composition of the Abstract:

In a Word Document, format your structured abstract in one of the options displayed below.

  1. Research OR Review Abstract(s): maximum 300 words
    1. Background or Introduction
    2. Objectives
    3. Methods
    4. Results
    5. Conclusion
  2. Case Report OR Case Study: maximum 150-300 words
    1. Introduction or Background
    2. Case Presentation
    3. Conclusion

Be sure to note Grant Funding (if applicable).

Submitting the Abstract:

  1. Login to the Translation journal portal
    2. You may need to register if you have not previously submitted to Translation.
  2. Select the type of submission, check all the boxes, add “2025 DONP Symposium” in the “comments to the Editor box” and select “Save and ”
  3. Upload your abstract as a Word file.
  4. Copy & paste your abstract Title and Subtitle (If applicable). In the Abstract box, Type
  5. List the author(s) in the correct order and type in the following:
    1. First and Last Name (including degrees)
    2. Email address
    3. Use text boxes for additional information to list Institutional information for each of the author(s) on the submission.
    4. Reminder: At least one author on the abstract must be a member of the Department of Neurosciences and Psychiatry (e.g. faculty, resident, graduate student)
  6. Add 3-8 Key One of keywords must be “Neurosciences” or “Psychiatry” abstract for internal tracking purposes.
  7. Click Save and Continue and finally…Submit!


  1. All abstracts completed appropriately will be accepted for submission.
  2. Thus, after submitting the abstract then immediately email the PDF of the poster.
  3. Submission deadline is Monday, December 2, 2024 by 11:59pm for both the abstract (via portal as described above) and poster PDF (via email to as described in separate handout).

Dr. Lance D. Dworkin Department of Medicine Research Symposium

Submission Requirement(s): Each student submission must include a  faculty member in the Department of Medicine, who was actively involved from the outset of the project. Abstracts should include no more than 150 to 300 words. Any submission not meeting this requirement will be sent back to the corresponding author for corrections.

Note: NO cost is assessed for Department of Medicine Research Symposium author(s).

Research Or Review Abstract(s): 150-300 words

Background or Introduction





Case Report or Case Study: 150-300 words

Introduction or Background

Case Presentation


Grant Funding (if applicable)

Each Abstract must include one Department of Medicine Divisions outlined below: Allergy/Immunology/Rheumatology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Hematology/Oncology, Gastroenterology/Hepatology,  General Internal Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Nephrology, Pulmonology/Critical Care Medicine

Submission Categories: Basic Science or Clinical

Graduate Research Annual Forum

Submission Deadline:

  • Submission deadline is January 20, 2025. Notifications will be sent by or around February 10, 2025.

Submission Requirement(s):

  • Each submission must include the Principal Investigator (PI) for the project.
  • Upload a 300 word structured abstract on a word document.
  • Please specify submission type: Poster, Oral Presentation
  • If you do not wish to have your abstract published in the Translation GRAF Symposium issue, please state "do not include in the GRAF Issue" in the Comments to the Editor box.

Submission Information:

Step 1: Create an account for Translation:

Step 2: Select New Submission (upper right hand corner)

  • Select GRAF (Graduate Annual Research Forum) from the drop down menu, Check all the boxes, then click Save and Next

Step 3: Upload your abstract in one page word document and include the information outlined below:

  1. 12-point Arial font, Double Spaced, 300 word structured abstract using the headings supplied below:
    • Background/Introduction/Objectives
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  1. Click Save and Continue

Step 4: Add the following information:

  1. Title
  2. For each author, please include the following information:
    • Role(s): Resident, Fellow, Faculty, Student
    • One of the author(s) must be the Principal Investigator (PI) of the project
  1. Add in any keywords for your submission. If you had grant funding, please list it here.
  2. Include if this is a poster or an oral abstract submission.

Step 5: Submit!

Download submission guidelines and instructions.

For Questions:

Research Articles

Cover Letter (required)

Title Page (required): Include the article’s title, the authors’ names, corresponding author name and email address, and affiliations.

Abstract (required)

Introduction (required)

Methods (required)

Response to Reviewers (required) Upon reviewing comments from Peer Reviewers, authors must submit response(s) to all reviewers and also a cover letter, which summarizes the changes they made, to the Editor-in-Chief.

To be considered for review, the appropriate statement below should be included in the methods section of their manuscript: 

All procedures were approved by the [Insert Employer/Institution Name] IACUC and performed in accordance with the US Animal Welfare Act and was assigned Office of Animal Welfare Number XX-XXXX. 

All animal procedures and treatments for both Aims have been reviewed and approved by the IACUC committees of the PIs’ respective institutions, including approval for the use of transgenic animals in outdoor field enclosures Office of Animal Welfare Number XX-XXXX. 

This study (xx-xxxxxx) was approved by the [Insert Employer/Institution Name] (select appropriate committee Institutional Review Board or Research Ethics Committee). 

Results (required)

Discussion (required)

References (required) - Numeric Style, enclose in-text citations with (). Feel free to download the Translation EndNote Style guide.

Supplement (optional) - Maximum of 5 Figures, Tables, or Images. Within the text, indicate placement [Insert table, figure, or image x near here].


Case Reports

Cover Letter (optional)

Title Page (required): Include the article’s title, the authors’ names, corresponding author name and email address, and affiliations.

Abstract (required)

Introduction (required)

Methods (required)

Results (required)

Discussion (required)

References (required) - Numeric Style, enclose in-text citations with (). Feel free to download the Translation EndNote Style guide.

Supplement (optional) - Maximum of 2 Figures, Images, or Tables

Response to Reviewers (required) Upon reviewing comments from Peer Reviewers, authors must submit response(s) to all reviewers and also a cover letter, which summarizes the changes they made, to the Editor-in-Chief.


Cover Letter (required)

Review Articles

Cover Letter (optional)

Title Page (required): Include the article’s title, the authors’ names, corresponding author name and email address, and affiliations.

Abstract (required)

Background (required)

Objective(s) (required)

Method (required)

Results (required)

Conclusion (required)

References (required) - Numeric Style, enclose in-text citations with (). Feel free to download the Translation EndNote Style guide.

Supplement (optional) - Maximum of 2 Figures, Images, or Tables

Response to Reviewers (required) Upon reviewing comments from Peer Reviewers, authors must submit response(s) to all reviewers and also a cover letter, which summarizes the changes they made, to the Editor-in-Chief.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.