Translation: The University of Toledo Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 2469-6706
Translation: The University of Toledo Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 2469-6706
The journal will publish original articles of basic or clinical research, case reports, and reviews in all aspects of medical sciences. The manuscript will be evaluated based on the results presented in its original submission. This process will provide an opportunity for medical students, graduate students, residents, fellows and faculty to publish relatively modest but important observations in a timely manner.
Research Ethics Committee (e.g., Human Ethics) Approval or Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval varies by institution and employers. Researcher(s) should consult with their respective approval committees and include the approval granted or no approval needed in the methods section of the manuscript and potentially the abstract of each submission. Some IRB or Human Ethics committees may require the researcher(s) to submit a protocol in order to make this determination.
Per the United States Federal Regulations, the following submissions do not require Institutional Review Board approval:
Case reports discussing up to 3 or fewer cases, are not considered human subjects’ research.
Studies falling into the below categories must be reviewed by the institution or employers Human Ethics, Research Ethics Committee, or Institutional Review Board:
Case Studies, which discuss more than 3 cases
1) Author(s) must not include any of the 18 HIPPA identifiers in either case reports or case series. If a picture includes HIPPA identifiable information, it cannot be included with a submission.
2) If it is a very rare condition, adequate measures must be in pace to protect patient privacy and confidentiality.
3) Proper consent should be obtained from patients using the approved hospital or health system patient consent forms.
If you have any questions, please contact the Editorial Board at
1) Each member of the Editorial Team understands and agrees to complete the tasks outlined by their position.
2) All Editorial Team Members Full Names, Master(s) or Doctoral Degrees, Positions, and Employers are listed on the journal website.
3) If an Editorial Team member submits an article for publication, the Editor-in-Chief will take measures to ensure the submission undergoes double-blind peer review.
This journal uses a single blind peer review system. Two student reviewers and one faculty reviewer will typically review each manuscript. The reviewers are asked to comment on novelty of the research, adequacy of design in answering the experimental question, appropriateness of the data collected and its analysis, and overall communication style. Potential conflicts of interest will be identified and managed in recruitment of reviewers from UT with appropriate expertise for evaluation of the work.
Please see instructions to reviewers
If you are a student, who would ike to become a reviewr, please complete this form. Faculty and Learners, please contact the Editor-in-Chief for more information.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
For additional information, please contact the editorial office at:
Once an article is accepted for publication, author(s) will pay a $50 article processing charge. If the author team has any questions or issues about this fee, please contact
Translation started in 2014 as an initiative by Dr. Keith Crist, former editor-in-chief and faculty at the University of Toledo College of Medicine.
Translation will deposit an archival copy of articles published fifteen years ago or earlier into the University of Toledo Digital Repository:
Translation: The University of Toledo Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 2469-6706
The contents of this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The University of Toledo Open Journals
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Arjun Sabharwal, Professor/Digital Initiatives Librarian
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