Meeting Abstracts

Dr. Lance D. Dworkin Department of Medicine Research Symposium

Submission Requirement(s): Each student submission must include a  faculty member in the Department of Medicine, who was actively involved from the outset of the project. Abstracts should include no more than 150 to 300 words. Any submission not meeting this requirement will be sent back to the corresponding author for corrections.

Note: NO cost is assessed for Dr. Lance D. Dworkin Department of Medicine Research Symposium author(s).

Research Or Review Abstract(s): 150-300 words

Background or Introduction





Case Report or Case Study: 150-300 words

Introduction or Background

Case Presentation


Grant Funding (if applicable)

Each Abstract must include one Department of Medicine Divisions outlined below: Allergy/Immunology/Rheumatology, Hematology/Oncology, Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Hospital Medicine, Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Pulmonology/Critical Care Medicine

Submission Categories: Basic Science or Clinical

Make a new submission to the Dr. Lance D. Dworkin Department of Medicine Research Symposium section.

Graduate Research Annual Forum (GRAF)

Submission Deadline:

  • Submission deadline is January 15, 2024. Notifications will be sent by or around February 11, 2024.

Submission Requirement(s):

  • Each submission must include the Principal Investigator (PI) for the project.
  • Upload a 300 word structured abstract on a word document.
  • Specify submission type: Poster, Oral Presentation

Submission Information:

Step 1: Create an account for Translation:

Step 2: Select New Submission (upper right hand corner)

  • Select GRAF (Graduate Annual Research Forum) from the drop down menu, Check all the boxes, then click Save and Next

Step 3: Upload your abstract in one page word document and include the information outlined below:

  1. 12-point Arial font, Double Spaced, 300 word structured abstract using the headings supplied below:
  • Objectives/Backgrounds
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  1. Click Save and Continue

Step 4: Add the following information:

  1. Title
  2. For each author, please include the following information:
    • Role(s): Resident, Fellow, Faculty, Student
    • One of the author(s) must be the Principal Investigator (PI) of the project
  1. Add in any keywords for your submission. If you had grant funding, please list it here.

Step 5: Submit!

Download submission guidelines and instructions.

For Questions:

  • Please contact, if you have any questions or issues uploading your submission via the Translation website.

Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Research Symposium

Submission Deadline:

  • Submission deadline is December 1, 2023. Notifications will be sent by or around December 4, 2023

Submission Requirement(s):

  • Each submission must include an author, who is a faculty, resident, or fellow in the Department of Psychiatry or Neurosciences. Any submission not meeting this requirement will be sent back to the corresponding author for corrections.
  • Please note – at least one author from each submission must be able to attend the in-person event on January 18, 2024.

Submission Information:

Step 1: Create an account for Translation:

Step 2: Upload your abstract in one page word document and should be structured as a Research, Review, or Case Report/Study as outlined below:

    1. 12-point Arial font, Double Spaced, 500 word
    2. For each author, please include the following information:
      • Role(s): Resident, Fellow, Faculty, Student
      • Department or Division: Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Bioinformatics
    3. Required Sections based on type of submission
      • Research Or Review Abstract(s):
        • Background or Introduction
        • Objectives
        • Methods
        • Results
        • Conclusion (if applicable)
      • Case Report or Case Study:
        • Introduction or Background
        • Case Presentation
        • Conclusion (if applicable)
  1. Grant Funding (if applicable)
  2. References – Must be complete (Title, Author, Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages), No Preferred Style

Step 3: Add in any keywords for your submission.

Step 4: Submit!

  • All submissions will be considered for awards based upon their innovation, methodological rigor, and contributions to science and patient care.

Download submission guidelines and instructions

For Questions: