Instructions for Authors

Translation: The University Of Toledo Journal Of Medical Sciences is the online journal launched by the University of Toledo. Manuscripts will be considered on the understanding that they report original work and are not under consideration for publication by any another journal. The journal publishes original articles reporting experimental results of basic or clinical research, case reports, and reviews.  The journal uses a single blind review process whereby each manuscript, based on the results presented in its original submission, will be evaluated by two student reviewers and one faculty reviewer. This will provide an opportunity for medical students, graduate students, residents, fellows, and faculty to publish research observation in a timely manner.

We strongly encourage that authors pay particular attention to the originality of their work. Upon submission, all manuscripts will be evaluated to identify any previously published material by screening submitted manuscripts against published studies, including submitted figures and images.

Article Processing Charge: Once an article is accepted for publication, author(s) will pay a $50 article processing charge. If the author team has any questions or issues about this fee, please contact


Cover Letter: According to journal policies outlined below, discuss potential reviewer conflicts of interest in your cover letter, suggest appropriate outside reviewers and include IRB or IACUC approval numbers, or letter of exemption. Also, include written permission for reprinting tables or figures, copies of any published material that could be considered duplicative.

Format: Set paragraph format to double-spaced, leaving 1-inch margins. Number all pages, including the title page.

Authorship: All authors listed in the manuscript must have participated in the design or analysis of the project. In addition, all authors must review the final text and be prepared to take public responsibility for its content. Other individuals who made contributions should be included in the acknowledgments; the author should get their permission to be acknowledged before the manuscript is submitted.

Style issues: Use generic names for drugs; capitalize any trade names when they are used. Spell out all abbreviations on first usage. The journal follows the Numeric style guide. Prospective authors are encouraged to read the “Authors’ submission toolkit: A practical guide to getting your research published” (available at Current Med Res & Opinion 2010; 26(8):1967-1982). The toolkit summarizes tips and best practices to increase awareness of editorial requirements, submission processes, publication ethics, peer review, and effective communication with editors.

Response to reviewers: Authors, after reviewing comments from Peer Reviewers, authors must submit response(s) to all reviewer comments outlining the changes they made or justifying why they chose not to make a chance. Authors should also submit a cover letter, which summarizes changes to the revised manuscript, response to reviewrs, and revised manuscript.


Title page: Include on the first page the article’s title, the authors’ names, and affiliations.

Running Title: No more than 50 characters including spaces.

Keywords: No more than 5 key words.

Abstract: Provide a structured one-paragraph double spaced abstract of 150 to 300 words, no references in this section.

Footnote/acknowledgments: Provide role of each author in design of research and preparation of the manuscript; name, address, e-mail address, and phone number of the corresponding author; conflicts of interest if any; include information on IRB or IACUC approval if appropriate, or exemption; acknowledge any grant support.

Introduction: Ideally not more than 3-5 paragraphs.

Materials and methods: This section must include sufficient information to allow others to repeat experiments. Provide information with full name of supplier and address, or any modification to original protocol. Provide information on manufacturers, suppliers, software, all reagents used with the corresponding kit number, model, version if available.

Manufacturers, suppliers, software details need to be provided for all reagents used (including chemicals), instruments (e.g., thermal cyclers, microscopes, etc.), and software, ideally accompanied by the corresponding kit number/model/version.

It is important to explain how bacterial strains/cells/tissue were collected, handled, and stored, and where they were from, provide the name and supplier. For studies on human subjects only a minimum of information must be included such as: number of subjects, age range, gender, health status.

For statistical analyses please provide: (1) what statistical analyses have been used, (2) the n for each analysis, (3) the actual P-value and other values for each test and other statistics. The word ‘significant’ should only be used when referring to statistically significant results. Please see the following link as a guide for language to avoid: Notable but not significant results should be included in the Discussion section.  




References: In-text citations and reference list should conform to the Translation Numbered citation style. If you are unfamiliar or new to using the Numbered Citation Style, feel free to use our EndNote Style Sheet. Citations in the reference list should be numbered as they appear in the text of the document. Where available, include the DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) or the URL of the journal website. Any submission not conforming to the specified citation style will be returned to the author for corrections and resubmission. 

Journal article:

Jiang, X., Chen, S., Asara, J.M., Balk, S.P. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway activation in phosphate and tensin homolog (PTEN)-deficient prostate cancer cells is independent of receptor tyrosine kinases and mediated by the p110beta and p110delta catalytic subunits. J Biol Chem, 2010. 285(20): p. 14980-14989.

Book chapter:

Moukarbel, G., Abchee, A. Tricuspid and Pulmonic Valves, in Clinical Manual and Review of Transesophageal Echocardiography. 2010, McGraw-Hill Companies. p. 222-239.

Personal communications and unpublished data should be identified in parentheses in the text.

Tables and figures: Number tables and figures in the order in which they are discussed in the text. Include call-outs in the text for location. Tables should be created using a word processor table function and placed at the end of the document with legends, one per page. Complex tables should also be submitted as PDF files. Provide enough details in titles, footnotes, and legends so that the tables and figures can be understood apart from the text.

Halftone and color images should be saved through Photoshop as PDF or PNG files for high-resolution (600 dpi) printing. Figures should not be inserted or embedded into the manuscript document; rather, they should be saved and attached as separate files. Contact the editorial office for assistance in preparing high quality graphs and diagrams or for referrals for medical illustration.


Title page: Include on the first page the article’s title, the authors’ names, and affiliations.

Running Title: No more than 50 characters including spaces.

Keywords: No more than 5 key words.

Abstract: Provide a structured one-paragraph double spaced abstract of 150 to 300 words, no references in this section.

Footnote/acknowledgements: Provide role of each author in design of research and preparation of the manuscript; name, address, e-mail address, and phone number of the corresponding author; conflicts of interest if any; include information on IRB or IACUC approval if appropriate, or exemption; acknowledge any grant support.

Introduction and patient information: Age, gender, ethnicity if relevant, related medical problem(s) if any. A patient’s privacy must be protected and only the information that is medically relevant is permitted.

Objectives for case reporting

Case report



References: In-text citations and reference list should conform to the Translation Numbered citation style. If you are unfamiliar or new to using the Numbered Citation Style, feel free to use our EndNote Style Sheet.   Citations in the reference list should be numbered as they appear in the text of the document. Where available, include the DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) or the URL of the journal website. Any submission not conforming to the specified citation style will be returned to the author for corrections and resubmission. 

Journal article:

Jiang, X., Chen, S., Asara, J.M., Balk, S.P. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway activation in phosphate and tensin homolog (PTEN)-deficient prostate cancer cells is independent of receptor tyrosine kinases and mediated by the p110beta and p110delta catalytic subunits. J Biol Chem, 2010. 285(20): p. 14980-14989.

Book chapter:

Moukarbel, G., Abchee, A. Tricuspid and Pulmonic Valves, in Clinical Manual and Review of Transesophageal Echocardiography. 2010, McGraw-Hill Companies. p. 222-239.

Personal communications and unpublished data should be identified in parentheses in the text.

Tables and figures: Number tables and figures in the order in which they are discussed in the text. Include call-outs in the text for location. Tables should be created using a word processor table function and placed at the end of the document with legends, one per page. Complex tables should also be submitted as PDF files. Provide enough details in titles, footnotes, and legends so that the tables and figures can be understood apart from the text.

Halftone and color images should be saved through Photoshop as PDF or PNG files for high-resolution (600 dpi). Figures should not be inserted or embedded into the manuscript document; rather, they should be saved and attached as separate files. Contact the editorial office for assistance in preparing high quality graphs and diagrams or for referrals for medical illustration.


Title page: Include on the first page the article’s title, the authors’ names, and affiliations.

Running Title: No more than 50 characters including spaces.

Keywords: No more than 5 key words.

Abstract: Provide a structured one-paragraph double spaced abstract of 150 to 300 words, no references in this section.

Footnote/acknowledgements: Provide role of each author in design of research and preparation of the manuscript; name, address, e-mail address, and phone number of the corresponding author; conflicts of interest if any; include information on IRB or IACUC approval if appropriate, or exemption; acknowledge any grant support.

References: In-text citations and reference list should conform to the Translation Numbered citation style.  If you are unfamiliar or new to using the Numbered Citation Style, feel free to use our EndNote Style Sheet. Citations in the reference list should be numbered as they appear in the text of the document. Where available, include the DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) or the URL of the journal website. Any submission not conforming to the specified citation style will be returned to the author for corrections and resubmission. 

Journal article:

Jiang, X., Chen, S., Asara, J.M., Balk, S.P. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway activation in phosphate and tensin homolog (PTEN)-deficient prostate cancer cells is independent of receptor tyrosine kinases and mediated by the p110beta and p110delta catalytic subunits. J Biol Chem, 2010. 285(20): p. 14980-14989.

Book chapter:

Moukarbel, G., Abchee, A. Tricuspid and Pulmonic Valves, in Clinical Manual and Review of Transesophageal Echocardiography. 2010, McGraw-Hill Companies. p. 222-239.

Personal communications and unpublished data should be identified in parentheses in the text. Authors using EndNote or Reference Manager should select the corresponding JAMA style file.

Tables and figures: Number tables and figures in the order in which they are discussed in the text. Include call-outs in the text for location. Tables should be created using a word processor table function and placed at the end of the document with legends, one per page. Complex tables should also be submitted as PDF files. Provide enough details in titles, footnotes, and legends so that the tables and figures can be understood apart from the text.

Halftone and color images should be saved through Photoshop as PDF or PNG files for high-resolution (600 dpi). Figures should not be inserted or embedded into the manuscript document; rather, they should be saved and attached as separate files. Contact the editorial office for assistance in preparing high quality graphs and diagrams or for referrals for medical illustration.


First time users must register as an author. Paper should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document through the current journal site:


Peer review: All manuscripts are subject to peer review by two experts in the field. At the time of manuscript submission, authors may suggest appropriate outside reviewers.

Editing: All manuscripts will be edited for clarity and conformity to the journal’s style. The corresponding author will have the opportunity to review editing either before or at the page proof stage.

Reprints: once manuscripts are accepted and published, authors retain copyright. PDF files of all articles are freely available to the authors and the general public.

For additional information, please contact the editorial team at

PDF file