A Retrospective Cohort Analysis of Robotic Stapler Use in Robotic-Assisted Donor Nephrectomy





Donor nephrectomy, robotic surgery, Robotic stapling


Main Problem: Robotic-assisted techniques are common for living-donor nephrectomy. While robotic stapling offers increased surgeon control, there is limited comparative data versus laparoscopic linear stapler use for ligation of renal vessels.

Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 32 consecutive robotic-assisted donor nephrectomies by a single surgeon for perioperative outcomes.

Results: Patients in the robotic stapler (RS; N=20) and laparoscopic stapler (LS; N=12) groups were comparable in terms of age and BMI. Estimated blood loss (p = 0.62), warm ischemia time (p=0.50), and console time (p=0.56) were similar between the RS and LS groups. There were no stapler misfires or major intraoperative complications in either group and no cases required conversion to open.

Conclusions: Robotic stapler use is safe and effective in robotic-assisted donor nephrectomy. Further research on prevalence of robotic stapler use is needed to quantity the associated complication rate.



Author Biographies

Zane Giffen, University of Toledo

Department of Urology

University of Toledo Medical Center

Toledo, OH, USA

Austin Ezzone

University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences 

Obi Ekwenna

Assistant Professor

Department of Urology

University of Toledo Medical Center

Toledo, OH, USA


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How to Cite

Giffen, Z., Ezzone, A., & Ekwenna, O. (2021). A Retrospective Cohort Analysis of Robotic Stapler Use in Robotic-Assisted Donor Nephrectomy . Translation: The University of Toledo Journal of Medical Sciences, 8. https://doi.org/10.46570/utjms.vol8-2020-421



Research Articles