Incorporating Media and Technological Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom


  • Nicolas Ciotola LAMP


social studies, misinformation, technological, media


So much has changed about the way we partake and receive our information over the last few decades. Seemingly everyone gets their information from the internet or television. Unfortunately, the internet allows for unchecked information to be taken as fact which leads to an incorrect interpretation of fact and fiction. There is arguably no greater target audience for the sort of misinformation found on the internet and social media than our youth due to how impressionable their minds are. Because of this, I am interested in discussing what can be done as social studies educators to prevent our students from falling prey to the plethora of misinformation that exists in our current technological and media world.


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Gretter, S., & Yadav, A. (2018). What do preservice teachers think about teaching media literacy?: An exploratory study using the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10(1), 104–123.

Johnson, M. (2018). Fighting “fake news”: How we overhauled our website evaluation lessons. Knowledge Quest 47(1), 32-36.

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Rogow, F. (2009). Voices from the field: Teaching media literacy in less than an hour. The National Association for Media Literacy Education’s Journal of Media Literacy Education 1, 72–74.

Stein, L., & Prewett, A. (2009). Media literacy education in the social studies: Teacher perceptions and curricular challenges. Teacher Education Quarterly, 36(1), 131–148.



How to Cite

Nicolas Ciotola. (2021). Incorporating Media and Technological Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom. Learning to Teach Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Through Research and Practice, 10(1). Retrieved from