Green Minds: An Introspective Look at Gardening Curriculum for Science Skills in Preschoolers


  • Dana Greathouse University of Toledo-Judith Herb College Education


early childhood, science, gardening curriculum, preschool, environmental education


Gardening with preschool children is often limited to basic gardening activities. Digging holes, planting seeds, watering growing vegetables, and observation of plants are common activities for teachers to use when implementing gardening curriculum. While this approach to gardening is effective for science learning, there are other innovative educational gardening experiences that teachers can curate. This paper examines indoor, formal, and digital gardening curriculum which can help preschool teachers foster sound science skills for students. Research from studies on these experiences provide evidence for helping these children learn sound scientific concepts. Potential barriers to these creative curricular activities are investigated. These gardening curricular activities can help change the current landscape of helping children learn science from nature’s soil.

Author Biography

Dana Greathouse , University of Toledo-Judith Herb College Education

Dana Greathouse is a student at the University of Toledo’s Judith Herb College of Education master’s early childhood education program. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University and has experience working as a preschool teacher. She is currently an assistant director at a nature preschool in Cincinnati.


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How to Cite

Greathouse , D. . (2021). Green Minds: An Introspective Look at Gardening Curriculum for Science Skills in Preschoolers. Learning to Teach Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Through Research and Practice, 10(1). Retrieved from