Supporting Reader and Writer Self-Concept in Early Childhood Education


  • Myranda Jenkins The University of Toledo


language arts, early childhood education, reading, writing, self-concept, literacy


Research suggests that academic self-concept influences academic gains. This has important implications for literacy acquisition. Facilitating the development of reader and writer self-concept has been found to support literacy gains. For this reason, it is essential that educators actively work to bolster student self-concept. Best practice recommendations for helping students develop positive reader and writer self-concept include helping students establish reader and writer identity, using the classroom environment to empower readers and writers, and developing supportive teacher-child relationships. The author acknowledges that the relationship between academic achievement and self-concept is reciprocal. As such, quality literacy instruction is needed in addition to attending to the affective factor of self-concept in order for students to be successful readers and writers.

Author Biography

Myranda Jenkins, The University of Toledo

Myranda Jenkins is currently a Master’s student studying Early Childhood Education at the University of Toledo. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, also from the University of Toledo. Because of Myranda’s experience in both Early Childhood Education and psychology, her teaching practice emphasizes meeting students’ socioemotional needs.


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How to Cite

Jenkins, M. (2021). Supporting Reader and Writer Self-Concept in Early Childhood Education. Learning to Teach Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Through Research and Practice, 10(1). Retrieved from