Methods for Teaching Literacy to Early Elementary English Learners


  • Brianna Gilbert University of Toledo


english language learners, emergent literacy, sheltered instruction, active participation, integrated instruction, culturally responsive teaching, early childhood


This paper focuses on the need for current and pre-service educators to learn how to effectively use instructional strategies to teach literacy to English learners. Research centers on methods that target the emergent literacy skills of English learners enrolled in kindergarten through grade three. Currently, data demonstrates that English learners are entering American public schools at an increasing rate. Early elementary educators are the first teachers that will encounter the new influx of these students. The following information examines two methods that early elementary educators can use to instruct English learners effectively and improve their language and literacy capabilities. English learners require strong emergent literacy skills to find academic success as they ascend grade levels and encounter more advanced texts.


Short, D. (2013). Training and sustaining effective teachers of sheltered instruction. Theory Into Practice, 52(2), 118–127.

López, F., & Iribarren, J. (2014). Creating and sustaining inclusive instructional settings for English language learners: Why, what, and how. Theory Into Practice, 53(2), 106–114.

McMahon, S. D., Wernsman, J., & Rose, D. S. (2009). The relation of classroom environment and school belonging to academic self-efficacy among urban fourth- and fifth-grade students. The Elementary School Journal, 109(3), 267–281.

Islam, C., & Park, M.-H. (2015). Preparing Teachers to Promote Culturally Relevant Teaching. Multicultural Education, 23(1), 38–44.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2022, May). English Language Learners in Public Schools. Condition of Education - English Learners in Public Schools. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from

Short, D. J., Fidelman, C. G., & Louguit, M. (2012). Developing academic language in English language learners through sheltered instruction. TESOL Quarterly, 46(2), 334–361.




How to Cite

Gilbert, B. (2023). Methods for Teaching Literacy to Early Elementary English Learners. Learning to Teach Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Through Research and Practice, 12(1). Retrieved from