Information seeking, decision making, and action taking in social and political contexts

An Introduction to Psychological Aspects of Democratic Citizenship


  • Florian C. Feucht, Ph.D Guest Editor, Assistant Professor for Educational Psychology, Department for Educational Foundations and Leadership, The University of Toledo, USA


A vital aspect of democracy is the ability of individual citizens to engage in knowledge creation and evaluation in a critical manner. In today’s controversy - and information-rich society developing one’s own beliefs and values, evaluating a constantly growing body of new knowledge, and having an understanding of current politics is becoming an increasingly complex and demanding challenge. In this context, education for citizenship is an important undertaking to provide individuals with skills, values, knowledge, and beliefs needed to successfully participate in democratic processes and to foster a culture of active civic engagement.




How to Cite

Feucht, F. (2010). Information seeking, decision making, and action taking in social and political contexts: An Introduction to Psychological Aspects of Democratic Citizenship. In Factis Pax: Journal of Peace Education and Social Justice, 4(1), 1–10. Retrieved from