SOBP Pre-Meeting Metabolic Health In Severe Mental Illness - Author Instructions

1) In a Word Document, format your Abstract in 250 words, which does not include use of the headings below, and must include Molecular Science, Clinical Science, or Translational Science as keyword.

Research Or Review Abstract(s): 250 words

  1. Background or Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Methods
  4. Results
  5. Conclusion

2) Go to: and register, if you have not previously submitted to Translation.

3) From the drop down box, select SOBP Symposium!

4) Upload your word file.

5) Copy paste your abstract Title and Subtitle (If applicable). 

6) List the author(s) in the correct order and type in the following:

  • First and Last Name (including degrees)
  • Email address
  • Use text boxes for additional information to list Institutional information for each of the author(s) on the submission.

7) Add 3-8 Key words

8) Click Save and Continue and finally…Submit!