Situating the Web of the Necro-Techno Complex: The Church of Nano Bio Info Cogno Abstract


  • Praba Pilar Independent Scholar


Performance art provides a vital arena for public critical discourse, as for the most part it remains beyond the usurpations of the capitalist art market. In this reflective and critical article, I approach my own performance art as an embodied research methodology which informs the performer as much as the audience. Over eight years, and in varied art spaces and public streets, I presented many performances as live ‘services’ of my fictitious church, the Church of Nano Bio Info Cogno. This article describes my satirical portrayal of the way that Silicon Valley technology corporations have adapted the ‘salvation narrative’ to proclaim a futurity of liberation. I argue that such salvation narratives instrumentalize the notion and practice of faith, which extends the history of extractive, exploitative colonialism, from the Doctrine of Discovery to the
present day. I analyze how the practices of data brokers such as Facebook, Google, and others, which form the global apparatus of surveillance capitalism, have consolidated power and knowledge to control the behavior and reality of human populations. In the process of achieving ubiquitous saturation, they are converting biological life across the globe into a necropolitical extrajudicial colony. This twenty-first century techno colonialism is the Necro-Techno Complex, a ruthless intensification of
exploitation, domination, and control. My performances as high priestess of the Church of Nano Bio Info Cogno incite critical public discourse about such domination and control, and foster resistance to the Necro-Techno Complex.

Author Biography

Praba Pilar, Independent Scholar

Praba Pilar is an independent artist and scholar keen on disrupting the contemporary ‘cult of the Techno-Logic,’ while working on decolonizing initiatives in community. She creates live art, performances, digital and electronic works, participatory workshops, experimental lectures, and publications. Her projects have traveled widely around the world, received numerous awards, and include the NO!!!BOT, Enigma Symbiotica, BOT I, the Church of Nano Bio Info Cogno, the Cyborg Soap Opera, and the Nano Sutra of Mathturbation. Her most recent texts have been published in the journals Scholar & Feminist Online, Lateral Journal of the Cultural Studies Association, and Women Eco Artists Dialogue. She is presently Co-Director of the Hindsight Institute and of Disinterpellation Technologies, has a PhD in Performance Studies and can be visited online at


