Teaching Classic Literature in Culturally Relevant Ways


  • Janey Allen Dunford University of Toledo


culturally relevant teaching, classic literature, critical literacy, restory


Teaching classic literature comes with many challenges. Students today have a difficult time relating to century old texts that mostly reflect white male Euro-centric heteronormative values, yet English language arts teachers are required to teach classic literature at every grade level for high school students. This paper demonstrates how teachers can use culturally relevant teaching practices, including restory and critical literacy, to help students, particularly students of color and minorities, to engage with and create meaning from classic literature.


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How to Cite

Allen Dunford, J. (2021). Teaching Classic Literature in Culturally Relevant Ways. Learning to Teach Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Through Research and Practice, 10(1). Retrieved from http://openjournals.utoledo.edu/index.php/learningtoteach/article/view/504